- Compliance System/Process
- U.S. Import-Related
- U.S. Export-Related
- Term/Acronym
Automated Broker Interface (ABI), an integral part of the Automated Commercial System (ACS), is the means by which brokers or importers transmit entry and release data to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). ABI entries are identified by either an ABI/N (non-statement) or ABI/S (statement) next to the entry type code in block 2 of the CBP Form CBPF-7501, Entry Summary. Through ABI, brokers are permitted to pay entries individually (non-statement) or by batch (statement).
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- Term/Acronym
The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) is a leading ship classification society. The primary purpose of ABS is to determine the structural and mechanical fitness of ships and other marine structures for their intended purpose. It does this through a procedure known as classification.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Accelerated Tariff Elimination |
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
An increased rate of reduction of import duties at a faster rate than what was originally planned or decided upon.
- Compliance System/Process
- National Security
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a US Customs electronic data system, which provides support for enforcing trade and contraband laws, ensuring trade compliance, and providing service and information to the international trade community. When completed, it will cover the full gamut of Customs activities.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Compliance System/Process
- National Security
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
Approved Continuous Examination Program (ACEP). (a) In lieu of a periodic examination under §452.1, each owner of an approved container meeting §450.5 may examine the container or have it examined using an approved continuous examination program. An owner must submit the continuous examination program for approval to the Commandant (G-MSO), United States Coast Guard, 2100 Second Street, SW., Washington, DC 20593. When submitting a continuous examination program for approval the owner must show the continuous examination complies with §452.9. (b) The owner must mark the container with the letters “ACEP/USA/(year continuous examination program is approved)” to indicate the container is being periodically examined under an approved continuous examination program. This marking must be as close as practicable to the safety approval plate. This marking must be on all containers covered by a continuous examination program by January 1, 1987. (c) The owner of containers subject to this section shall have those containers examined in accordance with the program prescribed in this section regardless of whether the examinations are performed within or outside the United States.
- Compliance System/Process
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
Automated Clearinghouse. An electronic payment program that allows ABI filers to pay CBP duties, taxes, and fees with one electronic transaction.
- Compliance System/Process
- National Security
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
The Automated Commercial System (ACS) is the system used by the U.S. Customs Service to track, control, and process all commercial goods imported into the United States. ACS facilitates merchandise processing, signficantly cuts costs, and reduces paperwork requirements for both Customs and the trade community.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
ACS Password |
- Compliance System/Process
- National Security
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
A 5- to 8-position character code assigned by the user allowing access to ACS.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Ad Valorem Duty |
- Foreign Import-Related
- U.S. Import-Related
- Term/Acronym
Duty calculated on the basis of value (usually a percentage of the value.)
Customs and Trade Automated Interface (US Customs)
- U.S. Export-Related
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Term/Acronym
The Automated Export System (AES) is a computer system that collects Shipper's Export Declaration information.
U.S. Census Bureau
Wendy Peebles 877-715-4433 askaes@census.gov
- Country/Regional
- U.S. Import-Related
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Term/Acronym
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) was signed into law on May 18, 2000 as Title 1 of The Trade and Development Act of 2000. The Act offers tangible incentives for African countries to continue their efforts to open their economies and build free markets.
U.S. Trade Representative (USTR)
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
- Compliance System/Process
Automated Invoice Interface (AII) permits invoice data to be transmitted electronically to the CBP Data Center.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Air Waybill |
- Term/Acronym
- Document
- U.S. Export-Related
The shipping document used for the transportation of air freight: includes conditions, limitations of liability, shipping instructions, description of commodity, and applicable transportation charges. It is generally similar to a straight non-negotiable bill of lading and is used for similar purposes.
Alternative Tariff |
- Term/Acronym
- Foreign Import-Related
A tariff that has two or more rates for the same product, trading to and from the same points, with the authority to use one that produces the lowest charge.
- Anti-Competitiveness Protection
- Foreign Import-Related
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Term/Acronym
The China Anti-Monopoly Law (AML), which became effective August 1, 2008, is the first comprehensive competition law enacted by China. The AML prohibits a broad array of agreements between competitors and commercial counterparties, as well as competitive conduct by single firms that may harm the competitive process. In addition, it establishes a mandatory administrative review procedure for mergers and acquisitions between companies meeting certain sales thresholds, globally or in China. Beyond these fundamental provisions, the AML prohibits certain types of administrative abuses believed to be prevalent in China and establishes a complex set of administrative agencies with broad powers to enforce the law.
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
- Compliance System/Process
Automated Manifest System (AMS) for air and ocean carriers is a multi-modular cargo inventory control and release notification system for sea, air, and rail carriers. AMS speeds the flow of cargo and entry processing and provides participants with electronic authorization to move cargo prior to arrival. AMS facilitates the intermodal movement and delivery of cargo by rail and trucks through the In-bond system. AMS reduces reliance on paper documents and speeds the processing of manifest and waybill data. As a result, cargo remains on the dock for less time, participants realize faster tracking, and Customs provides better service to the importing community.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- Term/Acronym
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- Multilateral/International
- Country/Regional
Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) - A regional alliance seeking economic and political unity in Northern Africa. Members are Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Andean Pact |
- Term/Acronym
- Treaty/Convention/Agreement
- Multilateral/International
- Country/Regional
A regional trade pact that includes Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
Anti Dumping Duty |
- Anti-Competitiveness Protection
- U.S. Import-Related
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Term/Acronym
Additional duties which are assessed on imported goods when those goods are sold to the importing country at a price that is less than 'fair value', ('fair value' usually being defined as the price on the exporting country's domestic market or to third countries), and when those imported goods are found to cause or to threaten material injury to industry of the importing country.
International Trade Administration (ITA)
Trade Specialist 202-482-4412 tcc@ita.doc.gov
Anti-Boycott Regulations |
- U.S. Export-Related
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Term/Acronym
U.S. regulations to encourage, and in specified cases, require U.S. firms to refuse to participate in foreign boycotts that the United States does not sanction. They have the effect of preventing U.S. firms from being used to implement foreign policies of other nations which run counter to U.S. policy.
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
Anti boycott Compliance Staff 202-482-2381 E mail Inquiry section
Anti-Dumping Regulations |
- Term/Acronym
- Law/Act/Regulation
- U.S. Import-Related
- Anti-Competitiveness Protection
Laws that are enacted to prevent dumping - offering prices in the overseas market that is lower than that at which a product is sold in its home domestic market.
- Term/Acronym
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- Multilateral/International
- Country/Regional
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - A forum designed to promote economic growth, cooperation, and integration among member nations. APEC has also worked to reduce tariffs and other trade barriers across the Asia-Pacific region. Its vision is based on the 'Bogor Goals' adopted in the 1994 meeting in Bogor, Indonesia. There are 21 member economies including: Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; The Republic of the Philippines; The Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States of America; Viet Nam.
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Term/Acronym
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- U.S. Export-Related
- Product-Specific
- Standard (Technical/Health/Safety)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. The agency improves agricultural productivity and competitiveness and contributes to the national economy and the public health.
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Apostille |
- Term/Acronym
- Treaty/Convention/Agreement
- Document
- U.S. Export-Related
- Foreign Import-Related
- Multilateral/International
An apostille is a French word meaning certification. It is commonly used in English to refer to the legalization of a document for international use under the terms of the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents. Documents which have been notarized by a notary public, and certain other documents, and then certified with a conformant apostille are accepted for legal use in all the nations that have signed the Hague Convention.
Hague Conference on Private International Law
Application Identifier |
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
A 2-position code in a record which identifies the type of application data in the transaction file and the task to be performed; for example, EI = Entry Summary Input.
Arbitration |
A process in which a disagreement between two or more parties is resolved by impartial individuals, called arbitrators, in order to avoid costly and lengthy litigation.
Arbitration clause |
A clause in a sales contract detailing how any contract disputes will be settled.
- Term/Acronym
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- Multilateral/International
- Country/Regional
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) - An economic and geopolitical affiliation formed in 1967 that includes Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
- Compliance System/Process
Automated System for Customs Data. This program dealing with customs declarations has been developed by UNCTAD and is presently used by some 75 countries.
ATA Carnet |
- Term/Acronym
- Document
- U.S. Export-Related
- U.S. Import-Related
- Foreign Import-Related
A Customs document permitting the holder to temporarily carry or send merchandise into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds. Any of various Customs documents required for crossing some international borders
United States Council for International Business
Cynthia Duncan, Senior-Vice President, Carnet Operations 212-703-5079 cduncan@uscib.org
- Term/Acronym
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Treaty/Convention/Agreement
- Multilateral/International
- Product-Specific
The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) and all restrictions thereunder terminated on January 1, 2005. The expiry of the ten-year transition period of ATC implementation means that trade in textile and clothing products is no longer subject to quotas under a special regime outside normal WTO/GATT rules but is now governed by the general rules and disciplines embodied in the multilateral trading system.
World Trade Organization
- Term/Acronym
- Organization/Agency/Entity
- U.S. Export-Related
- Product-Specific
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is a principal law enforcement agency within the United States Department of Justice dedicated to preventing terrorism, reducing violent crime, and protecting our Nation. The men and women of ATF perform the dual responsibilities of enforcing Federal criminal laws and regulating the firearms and explosives industries. We are committed to working directly, and through partnerships, to investigate and reduce crime involving firearms and explosives, acts of arson, and illegal trafficking of alcohol and tobacco products.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
- Term/Acronym
- Law/Act/Regulation
- Treaty/Convention/Agreement
- Multilateral/International
- Product-Specific
Accord Relatif aux Transports Internationaux de Denrees Perissables et aux Engins Speciaux a Utiliser pour ces Transports. Agreement on the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on the special equipment to be used for such carriage.
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) |
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
- National Security
- Compliance System/Process
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is a US Customs electronic data system, which provides support for enforcing trade and contraband laws, ensuring trade compliance, and providing service and information to the international trade community. When completed, it will cover the full gamut of Customs activities.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Automated Commercial System (ACS) |
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Import-Related
- National Security
- Compliance System/Process
The Automated Commercial System (ACS) is the system used by the U.S. Customs Service to track, control, and process all commercial goods imported into the United States. ACS facilitates merchandise processing, signficantly cuts costs, and reduces paperwork requirements for both Customs and the trade community.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Richard DiNucci, Director 202 344-2513 mailto:richard.dinucci@dhs.gov
Automated Export System (AES) |
- Term/Acronym
- U.S. Export-Related
- National Security
- Compliance System/Process
The Automated Export System (AES) is a computer system that collects Shipper's Export Declaration information.
U.S. Census Bureau
Wendy Peebles 877-715-4433 askaes@census.gov
- Term/Acronym
- Document
- U.S. Export-Related
Air Waybill A document made out by or on behalf of the carrier(s) confirming receipt of the goods by the carrier and evidencing the contract between the shipper and the carrier(s) for the carriage of goods as described therein.